Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What is your signature piece/look?

Hi everyone! This is just a quick post because I'm curious about what is your signature piece/look? It's always fun to see what people like. :)

I think if you were ask someone who knows me well enough what is something that I always wear, they would probably say my sterling silver figaro bracelet. For some reason, several years ago, I was obsessed with having a figaro bracelet and looked high and low for something that was the right width and length for my small wrists.

This bracelet was about $15 at Piercing Pagoda or one of those jewelry kiosks at the mall and it was the perfect fit. The scale of it was also perfect for my wrists - it was simple and didn't overpower me. I put it on that day and it hasn't come off ever since except for the occasional cleaning.

So what is your signature piece/look? Is it a piece of jewelry? An eyeshadow look? A hair style? I'd love to know in the comments below. :)

1 comment:

  1. A signature piece is a nice way to represent yourself and leave a lasting impression or memory for those you've met or know you. For me it would definitely be my very black winged eyeliner, lol, cause I wear this every day. Another signature piece are my heels. I wear them at least 3 days out of the week at work and everytime I walk in with a new pair, they notice. I have a tendency to look at people's feet too, especially if I know they wear the type of shoes that I like.
